Tailgating at Pinch Point – PG Building Services Banstead – WN53 TBV

Approaching a set of traffic islands I move over to take Primary Position, as recommended in most cycle safety advice.

Then Paul, or is it Gary, decides that he can’t wait just a few seconds to wait to overtake me and tries to squeeze past, realises that he can’t, tailgates me, then takes both hands off the wheel and gesturing that I should be riding in the gutter.

I suggest that he looks on YouTube and he is delighted at the prospect of some free advertising. Well here you are Paul, or Gary, this is your free advertising. Look, even a link to your website http://www.pgbuilders.co.uk/

His ‘lad’ sticks on a Halloween Mask to disguise himself, although I did catch his face on video as they first went past me. I haven’t included a freeze frame as it wouldn’t be fair ti identify a minor.

“Think Cyclist” Graphic used courtesy of http://think.direct.gov.uk/